Friday, October 25, 2019

Filming Blog

On Thursday my group filmed for the first time. I brought a bag from Dunkin that had "food" in it and a cup. We stuffed the bag with paper to make it look like there was something inside in it. Luisa brought a lot of cups and a mini donut box. Our group got five other people to join our commercial. Our first scene took us the longest because we were not sure how we wanted it to be. Also, half of the group went to fill up their cups so it took longer to get started. While filming, some people were laughing and couldn't keep a straight face. We needed everyone to look tired and dull because its suppose to be the morning time and no one had their Dunkin yet. The second shot is them being happy because they had their coffee. At first everyone wasn't prepare to film and we had to keep doing it again but, by the second or third time we all were serious and it came out better. After that we went to the vending machines to film a small showing them walking. It didn't take us that much time because I think everyone realized that they better they did, the faster they can go back to class. The last thing we did was them going down the stairs. We did this to show that they were leaving class. After we were done filming we had to dump it in the computer. We decided to film on Luisa's phone and the camera that school provided us. When Khiara and I tried to dump the footage it wasn't showing up on the computer. We made sure that the SD card was properly inside the camera and that we were actually filming. At first we were just going to use Luisa's phone to record but we didn't know how to dump our footage, so we used the camera. But we just decided to stick with the first plan and use her phone. To make sure nothing happens with the footage Luisa saved it to her Google Photos then she sent it to me and I also save it on my Google Photos. We are going to use Imovie to edit our commercial. I think that we got a lot done that day even though we had a ruff start. The SD obstacle showed me that it is always better to have a back up plan even if you think nothing bad might happen. On Monday, we are going to film our last scene. We will be shooting at the bus loop and it is going to be the actors running because "America Runs on Dunkin." We didn't get to film it because we did not get the props for it. Our group use a lot of wide and long shots. Tracking shot was use in the beginning and will most likely be used for our last shot. I think all of us did better then what we expected.

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