Friday, April 24, 2020

24 Extract Essay

In the extract 24, the overall theme is that you should always believe in what is right. Even though nobody will agree with you which connects with the social issue of standing up for yourself.

In most of the video, there were two-people shot. It mostly was the main actors in the movie. Having this scene as the shot emphasizes that there is a problem between them and that something will happen later on. In the movie, there were also over the shoulder shots. This demonstrates that they are only speaking to each other and that the argument is not one-sided. The ‘argument’ is portraying that both characters believe in what they think is right.

The way that the extract is edited also adds to the argument as well. Most of the scene was shot reverse shot and then it suddenly went into a split screen. The shot reverse shot is the main actors having their conversation then when the male actor is attacking the female actor it jumps to a split screen showing the other people heading to the room they are in and trying to stop them. The sudden change in action draws the viewer in and is showing what might happen next.

The dialogue and and music contributes to the suspense that is going on within the film. The Dialogue starts with the two main actors talking about where the bomb is and then it jumps to the man yelling at the woman because she wants to leave the country. While they are talking the music is low and not loud as in action movies. When the male actor starts screaming the music gets louder, trying to add emotion because it went from two different ends of a spectrum. Lighting and setting also add to the suspense and theme. The location appears to be an interrogation room and the lighting is dim. It is well known that crime shows use this tactic to create the ‘thrill.’ The movie uses the same idea because it intertwines with the feel and creates the mood. This is somewhat of the climax because the theme is trying to demonstrate that empowerment people want to have.

This dramatic scene is a perfect way to show empowerment, especially the underdog.

Thursday, April 23, 2020

CCR for Movie

This is my CCR for my movie. I filmed it all in one take but it was impossible for me to upload it. It had more than 100 mb so it did not work. So, I split it up on Imovie and put it in a google slide. I did a "get ready with me" type of video because it was fun to do. Most youtubers do these types of videos and Khiara was doing it so I thought I would do it as well. It was kind of difficult to do because it was hard for me to cut out footage from the middle of the video. That is why I separated it. But, when I separated it, I did cut some footage that was unnecessary.

Monday, April 13, 2020

Movie :)

CCR for Music Video

This is the CCR for the music video. Overall, I think that the music video was the best out of all the videos that we produce. The music video was fun and simple to make. Since the song had a simple meaning, we decided to just to hang out and have fun.

Music Video