Monday, December 2, 2019

Filming Outside For Music Video

Over the weekend my group filmed. We filmed on Saturday for three hours. I told them to come at around 1:30 and we started recording. Luisa recorded us walking, Khiara also brought another friend so it would not be the three of us. While walking, we found a shopping kart. So we decided that Luisa should go inside it and we push her around. We filmed on the street but we always made sure that there was no cars. Then we filmed all of us running and jumping. It took us a while because at first we would put a timer and try to take a picture of us jumping. But, we put the phone down and recorded everything and it turned out better. After that we skated. Just like the shopping kart, I pushed Luisa on the skateboard. For the shopping kart she was being pushed to the left, so for the skateboard she was being pushed to the right. For the editing, we will put it back to back. We filmed for a long time and I kept falling. We also filmed a lot of zoom ins of random things like signs or places or objects on the floor. That was most of what we did. After we went to McDonalds. By the dumpster, we saw a wall that had graffiti so we recorded ourselves and took pictures. Then we entered McDonalds and and ate fries and ice cream. At this point we did not know what to do so we ended up with five minutes of us eating. We got some good shots so we are going to cut a lot of it out. After we wanted to get some more skate shots but Luisa's mom had to pick her up. Khiara and I brainstormed what we will finish and do next weekend. We could not film any inside scenes because my sister was visiting and she was in my room the whole time also, my house was very messy and it didn't look like how we wanted our music video to be and we could not film at the park because we did not have a ride and it wasn't walking distance. This weekend we will finish all of our filming and we might go rollerblading because it will fit our theme. If that doesn't work out, we will just go bowling.

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